Evalanche's AI Content Framework makes it possible to create intelligent eMailings and LeadPages. Using advanced AI technologies, content can be fully generated for a variety of purposes. This covers everything from service emails to comprehensive customer journey content. Individual AI assistants can also be integrated into the process to take on specific tasks and increase efficiency.
Intelligent eMailings and LeadPages
The AI Content Framework allows you to generate content for various scenarios and use cases. Examples of this are:
- Service mails
- A/B split test variants
- Content for the customer journey
- Product announcements
- Event announcements
Due to the flexibility of this system, it is possible to react quickly and efficiently to different marketing requirements.
AI assistants
AI assistants are helper objects that can be docked at various points in an emailing or lead page and revise or optimise the user's existing content (e.g. headings or text fields). This includes
- Correcting content
- Formulating raw texts
- Translating content into other languages
- Barrier-free optimisations
AI Configuration
Basic settings
In each eMailing and each LeadPage, the directive and temperature can be set in the AI tab at the top level.
The directive defines the ‘tone of voice’ or the ‘brand voice’ of the AI generation. It describes the way in which content should be created, including style, target group and specific guidelines. A clear directive ensures that the AI delivers relevant and brand-compliant content.
Temperature controls the creativity of the AI. A low value (e.g. 0.2) results in precise, factual texts, while a high value (e.g. 0.8) produces more creative and unpredictable content. It is adjusted according to requirements: sober for technical content, creative for marketing texts.
AI text and image generators
AI text and AI image generators can be created as independent objects in the system. These generators contain the actual prompts that are sent to the AI. They can be used flexibly in both eMailings and LeadPages to generate dynamic and customised content.
Before a text or image generator is executed, all the replacement variables it contains are replaced. In this way, user information or pre-generated content can be integrated into a prompt.
Text generators can be configured in two different ways:
In the simple configuration, a prompt is specified that is personalised before being sent to the AI solution. The corresponding directive from the eMailing or LeadPage is transmitted with each transmission.
With the advanced configuration, it is possible to specify a virtual dialogue between the AI and the user, whereby the directive can also be specified as an option. In this case, the standard directive from the eMailing or LeadPage is not included. Integration via a personalisation variable, for example {$TEXT_GENERATOR_DIRECTIVE}, under ‘System’ would also be possible.
Content levels
In order to be able to map content contexts in an eMailing or a LeadPage, content can be generated at global level and at module level, which can then be shared by the levels below (e.g. widgets). In this way, content can be used identically in several independent sub-generations. Global content and module content can be integrated via personalisation variables.
- Global content -> Mailing or LeadPage overarching. Can be used in modules or widgets: $GLOBAL_CONTENT}
- Module content -> Comprehensive module. Can be used in widgets: {$PARENT_MODULE}
- Widget Content -> Content of a widget (e.g. heading or text field)
Variables for customised prompts
In order to create more individualised prompts for content generation, it is possible to create variables in eMailings or LeadPages. These so-called individual variables, such as ‘topic’, ‘language’ or ‘target group’, are queried before generation and used later in the generator objects. This allows you to create flexible prompts in AI generators that can be used for a wide variety of purposes without customisation.
Individual variables
An individual variable is created with the following structure, where ‘XXX’ represents the name of the variable:
These variables are created in the eMailing or LeadPage object, displayed to the user for input before generation and thus enable customisation of the generated content.
General variables
AI generators can use general variables to access various content areas that already exist or were generated in the previous step, e.g:
- The content of the widget to which the AI generator was docked: {$WIDGET_VALUE}
- The content of the parent module: {$PARENT_MODULE}
- The global content at the top level: {$GLOBAL_CONTENT}
- The content of the predecessor generator for linked generators: {$PREVIOUS_VALUE}
Individual directive
Individual variables can also be used in the directive to make the directive flexible. For example, language, style and target group, which are usually defined in the directive, can be flexibly outsourced and customised by the user before starting the generation.
See also paragraph: Variables overview
Generation process
The generation process is started via the main generation button ‘Generate’ and follows a defined sequence:
Step 1: Global content
Firstly, the basic content is generated at global level by the linked text generators. This content serves as a basis and can be reused by various places, such as modules and widgets. If other text generators want to access the master content, this is done via the personalisation variable: {$GLOBAL_CONTENT}
The content generation of the global content is not mandatory.
Step 2: Content module
Once the global content has been created, the module content is generated for each existing module. Both the Global Content and the Module Content remain invisible to the user and can be used internally as basic content for widgets.
The module content is accessed via the personalisation variable: {$PARENT_MODULE}
It is not absolutely necessary to generate the module content.
Step 3: Widget content
In the last step, the content of those widgets is generated that have linked and active AI text generators. The generated content is written directly to the respective widget. The widget types used can include text, image, text input and HTML fields.
Personalisation variable: {$ORIGINAL_VALUE} or {$PREVIOUS_VALUE}
Partial generation
At module and widget level, it is possible to carry out partial generation. This generates all activated areas at this point and below.
Basic rules for generation
- Only activated areas (master, module and widget content) are generated if text or image generators are also stored.
- If several generators are stored in one place, these are processed sequentially.
Variables overview
Various variables are available for generating and customising content, which can be used in text and image generator objects:
Individual variables
Master content
Module content
Content of the current position of the generator, e.g. widget, module, or master
Is only supported in text generators
Directive for text generator
Own value of the widget or from previous generation