General Information
The Newsletter PowerSet template is a hybrid template that automatically adjusts to the size of the screen (desktop/mobile view). The Newsletter PowerSet has the name of your choice or the default name/suffix "NP Mail Template". It is available for selection when you create a new eMailing.
Creation & editing of eMailings
To create a new newsletter, click on the "New" button in the respective folder and select the desired newsletter template. In this input mask you can also enter the newsletter name and subject (both can be edited later). Select the "NP Mail Template" template and finally click on "Save".
The eMailing opens in the Visual Editor (tab "Contents"/tab "Visual") and contains dummy content as well as dummy articles. The dummy content is for preview purposes only and must be deleted first. The content of an eMailing can be edited as follows.
The listed modules correspond to a standard Newsletter PowerSet. depending on your individual design, more or not all of the following modules will be displayed for editing. In addition, entire modules (e.g. the header image module) can be removed per eMailing (see Further Settings (for advanced users)).
Please secure all adjustments by regularly saving the editor (bottom right).
The preheader is displayed in the recipient's email client below the subject (in most clients) and is a good way to place advertising messages.
If no preheader text is desired, make sure the field is left blank.
Click on the pencil on the right to open an input field.
The preheader text can be defined here.
Web version
Click on the pencil on the right to open the setting options for the link to the web version.
You can adjust the texts by clicking on the respective text field. The middle field determines the text of the linked part of the sentence. The other two fields determine the unlinked texts before and after the link.
If only the first two fields are filled, a full stop " . " is automatically set. If all three fields are filled, no automatic full stop is set.
To change the logo, hover over the logo until a grey edit-overlay appears. With one click, the image picker opens andyou can choose the desired image.
Click on the pencil on the right to open further setting options. Here you can define an alternative text (eMailing view without images) and a link for the logo. Depending on the design configuration, there is space on the right-hand side for another logo or a claim text.
For logo images to be available in the selection menu, they must first be saved in the folder Templates > Newsletter PowerSet > Dummy Content > Logos. Depending on the client configuration, the folder may also be located elsewhere.
Header Image
To change the header image, hover over the header image until a grey edit-overlay appears. With a click, the image picker opens and you can choose the desired image.
For header images to be available in the selection menu, they must first be saved in the folder Templates > Newsletter PowerSet > Dummy Content > Header. Depending on the client configuration, the folder may also be located elsewhere.
Click on the pencil on the right to open further setting options. Here you can set an alternative text (eMailing view without images) and a link for the header.
For header images to be available in the selection menu, they must first be saved in the folder Templates > Newsletter PowerSet > Dummy Content > Header. Depending on the client configuration, the folder may also be located elsewhere.
Clicking on the pencil opens a text field for the date. We recommend using one of the following replacement variables here:
- {$CURRENT_DATE} – this replacement variable displays the current date.
- {$DATE} – this replacement variable displays the date of the last change of the eMailing.
Alternatively, any text can be entered and formatted.
Newsletter Headline
Click on the pencil to enter a headline for the newsletter.
Editorial, Signature and Table of Content
Here you can configure the editorial, the signature and the table of contents for the newsletter.
To change the signature image, hover over the signature image. With one click, the image picker opens and you can select the desired image.
For signature image to be available in the selection menu, it must first be saved in the folder Templates > Newsletter PowerSet > Dummy Content > Signatures. Depending on the client configuration, the folder may also be located elsewhere.
Click on the pencil to configure the editorial text and the table of contents. With checkboxes, the salutation, table of contents and signature graphic can be shown or hidden. By clicking on the corresponding text field (editorial, headline table of contents, alternative text signature and signature), these can be filled.
Some formatting functions are also available for the editorial.
In order to avoid the transfer of foreign formatting (e.g. copy & paste from Microsoft Word etc.), which can lead to misrepresentations in the eMailing, please always use one of the three marked editor functions for text transfer when inserting texts.
Article Slots / Content Sections
The articles for the newsletter are integrated in the so-called "slots". Basically, the following slots are available (variable according to customer requirements):
- Single-column slots (1 col):
Any number of articles can be inserted in single-column slots. The articles are displayed one above the other in the visual editor and in the eMailing. - Two-column slots (1 col):
In two-column slots, an even number of articles should always be inserted so that two articles can always be arranged next to each other. However, for editing in the Visual Editor, the two articles are displayed consecutively. In the preview you can check the correct arrangement of the articles in the eMailing.
In a newly created eMailing, the slots contain dummy articles that must first be deleted with the minus sign at the top right of the articles. Empty slots are not displayed in the eMailing.
By clicking on the "plus" (1) you can insert articles into the respective slot. An overlay opens for this purpose. Here you can either select an existing article or directly create a new article by clicking on the "Plus" (2). The creation of a new article is explained in detail under Creation & Editing of Articles.
Please check the mail size (displayed in the Sending tab) of your eMailing object before sending, as extensive use of the slots can lead to a mail size over 150 KB and thus to additional costs according to the pricing of your Evalanche contract.
Article Templates / Designs
The selection of the article template / article design is explained in the article creation under Creation & Editing of Articles.
Click on the pencil to edit the texts for the footer. Depending on the configuration of your template, a one- or twocolumn footer is displayed here. It is important to note that the editing only affects the eMailing on which you make the change. Newly generated eMailings are always created with the initial default texts and graphics. If you need other default settings, please contact SC-Networks.
Creation & Editing of Articles
To create a new article, click on the "New" button in the respective folder and select "Article". (You may need to select an article type for article creation. To do this, click on article type "NP article").
The input mask for the article will then open.
Articles are objects that are used together in an eMailing, but also exist independently as an object (separation of content and layout). The same article can therefore be used simultaneously in several eMailings. I.e.: If an article is also used in another eMailing B and edited there, it will also change in the eMailing A in which it was previously used.
Tip: Create the article from scratch or make your changes on a copy of the article. Then insert the copy of the item into the new eMailing.
If fields/elements of an article are not filled, these areas of the article are omitted and the space provided for them won´t be displayed (e.g. the text goes over the entire width in the case of article picture left/right if no picture is stored in the article).
In addition, not all input fields have an effect in every article template (e.g. in the article design "Banner", no article headline is displayed, even if it is defined in the article).
Article name
Enter the internal name of the article. This is not displayed in the newsletter. It can be changed at any time.
The Newsletter PowerSet contains four article templates/designs for the presentation of the articles in the eMailing. A fifth variant is possible by omitting the article image. This way you get a pure text article across the entire width.
For single-column content areas:
- Banner (linked banner image)
- Image above, text below
- Image left, text right
- Image right, text left
Use the dropdown to specify the desired layout of the articles for single-column slots.
For two-column content areas:
- Image above, text below
Articles inserted in two-column slots automatically receive the two-column article template design, regardless of which display option has been selected.
Category Headline
Optionally, you can specify a category heading above an article. This way, several articles can be visually grouped under one category.
Headline above
By activating the checkbox, you can place the headline of the article above instead of next to the image.
The article headline can be entered below.
Click on the image picker to display a selection of the most recently used or uploaded images. If you want to search for a specific image, you can use the search or click on "show all" (alternative: double-click on image picker). A window then opens in which you can search the entire folder structure.
Image Alt Text
You can also enter an alternative text for the image. This text is displayed if no images have been loaded as well as in the text version of the eMailing.
Short Text
The HTML editor field "Short text" is used to enter the body text of the article. Here the text can be edited via the upper editing bar, just like in a word processing programme.
In order to avoid the transfer of foreign formatting (e.g. copy & paste from Microsoft Word etc.), which can lead to misrepresentations in the eMailing, please always use one of the three marked editor functions for text transfer when inserting texts:
Link List
The link list can be used to add any number of further links to the article. Click on the "+" for each desired link in the link list and enter the name and the corresponding URL in the fields. Links can also be deleted again with the "-" button. You can change the position of the links with the touch marks on the right-hand side.
CTA/Landingpage-Button & Text
Under "Button-/CTA-Text" you can enter the text for the continuing link of the article. In the dropdown below you can decide whether this should be displayed as a call-to-action button or as a text link.
Display Social Sharing Icons (avaiability depends on template / contract)
If social sharing functionalities are provided for in the template and the articles, these can be shown and hidden individually as required with the checkbox in each article.
If required, a divider line can be added at the end of each article using the drop-down menu. This can be indented or displayed across the entire width of the newsletter.
CTA/Landingpage Link
Enter an external URL for the landing page link to which the article and button should link.
The entry in this field has priority over the automatically generated LandingPage from Evalanche.
Landingpages (Evalanche internal)
As an alternative to the LandingPage Link to your homepage or similar, you have the option of linking the article in the eMailing to the automatically generated LandingPage (long text version of the article) of Evalanche. To do this, leave the "LandingPage link" field empty when entering the article and switch to the "LandingPage" tab.
At this point you have the following possibilities and options:
- Separate image for the LandingPage and determination of the alignment via dropdown.
- Headline for the LandingPage
- In the field Long Text you enter the detailed body text of the LandingPage.
- The Link List gives the option for additional links on the LandingPage
- Define the text for the back button, which leads back to the Newletter
- Use the dropdown menu to determine the display options for image gallery and video
- Integrate an image gallery with headline, introductory text and up to 12 images, each with a caption.
- Integrate a YouTube video with headline and introductory text, whereby the video is integrated using the v parameter of a YouTube URL. You will find this at the end of the URL (see the following example).
Example of a YouTube URL with v parameter:
At the end of the "LandingPage" input mask, leave the "Landingpage-Link" field blank again so that the content filled in above is shown on an Evalanche LandingPage.
Further Settings (for advanced users)
In addition, the basic configuration as well as the design of an eMailing can be edited. The following setting options can be made in an eMailing object; the settings of the Newsletter PowerSet template remain unaffected.
Any changes to the settings are made on your own responsibility and should be carried out with caution, as the affected eMailing object can be rendered non-functional by incorrect usage/configuration.
The settings can be found in the eMailing object under Contents/Settings:
In the tab "Configuration" the image folders are defined which are accessed when creating an eMailing.
In the last field, the ID of the module used, "G: NP Editorial & Toc", is stored. This ID should not be changed, as the eMailing object will not function without the correct reference.
To find out the ID of a folder, right-click on the folder to open it in a new tab, then copy the ID that appears in your browser's address bar:
In the tab "Modules" the modules for the eMailing are defined, which are then available in the visual editor. Modules can be removed, added and changed in their order. If, for example, no header is to be displayed, it is recommended to remove the module "A: NP Header" by clicking on the minus sign.
In the tab "Mail" the design of the eMailing is defined. By means of CSS commands, the design of the listed elements can be adapted.
In the tab "Article" the design of the contained articles is defined. CSS commands can be used to change the design of the listed elements.
In the "Sharing" block, the channels for sharing articles by recipients (in their social media accounts) are defined. The current selection corresponds to the initially agreed design, so that changes are generally not necessary here. If changes are to be made, a selection can be made from the list of sharing links. The links are to be stored individually in the fields "Sharing Icon Link 1-6". The corresponding icon as well as an alternative text are to be defined in the fields "Sharing Icon 1-6" or "Alt-Text Sharing Icon 1-6".
If social sharing should be completely hidden for an article, this setting can be made in the article via a checkbox (see also: Display Social Sharing Icons).
In the "Footer" tab, the intended links (e.g. unsubscribe), the login and logout for tracking as well as the linked social channels of the newsletter sender can be stored.
Ideal Image Sizes
For the best possible display of the images in the articles and the header, please upload the images to Evalanche in the following image sizes. The image height is programmed flexibly into the template so that no distortions occur. Although it is possible to use varying image sizes, it is recommended to use identical/similar image sizes for visual consistency, at least in the articles.
Image Sizes eMailing
- Logo image: the width is defined to match your design, e.g. 150px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
- Header: 700px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
- Article image top: 670px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
- Article image right/left: 460px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
- Banner article image: 700px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
- Article image two column: 460px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
- Signature graphic in editorial: 120px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
Image Sizes Landingpage
- Article images (image top/left/right): 670px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)
- Gallery images: 670px width (width is fixed, height is flexible)