The following SOAP methods are provided specifically for interaction with e-mailings.
Returns the list of recipients:
getRecipientsProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of openers:
getImpressionProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of multiple openers:
getMultipleImpressionProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of clickers:
getClickProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of multiple clickers:
getMultipleClickProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of profiles that have generated a soft or hard bounce:
getBounceProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of profiles that have generated a hard bounce:
getHardbounceProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of profiles that have generated a soft bounce:
getSoftbounceProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of profiles that have unsubscribed from the mailing:
getUnsubscriptionProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of profiles that clicked on any article in the mailing:
getAllArticleImpressionProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of profiles that clicked any link in the mailing:
getAllLinkClickProfiles ( int mailing_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of clickers for a specific item:
getArticleImpressionProfiles ( int mailing_id, int article_id, string[] attribute_names )
Returns the list of clickers for a specific link:
getLinkClickProfiles ( int mailing_id, int link_id, string[] attribute_names )
- int mailing_id: Id of the direct mailing for which the recipient data is to be requested
- int article_id: ( only at getArticleImpressionProfiles): Id of the article for which the clickers are to be returned
- int link_id: ( only at (getLinkClickProfiles): Id of the link for which the clickers should be returned
- string[] attribute_names: List of pool attribute names to be returned in the result
Return value
- EvalancheJobResult: Information on the background job, analogous to the export of all profiles in a pool or under Working with Background Jobs
Required rights
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See also:
- Background Job
Read the ContentContainer of an eMailing
EvalancheHashMap getContentContainerData (int mailing_id)
- int resource_id: ID of the eMailing
Return value
- EvalancheHashMap: EvalancheHashMap mit den Daten des eMailings
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Update the ContentContainer of an eMailings
EvalancheResourceInformation setContentContainerData (int mailing_id, EvalancheHashMap data)
- int resource_id: ID of the eMailing
- EvalancheHashMap data: EvalancheHashMap with the data of the container
Return value
- EvalancheResourceInformation: EvalancheHashMap with the data of the eMailing
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Query details of a shipment
EvalancheMailingInformation getDetails( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of dispatch
Return value
- EvalancheMailingInformation: Object (SOAP) or array with the following attributes:
- int timestamp: Timestamp of the mailing
- int recipients: Number of recipients
- bool sent: true, when the mailing has been sent in full
- string preview_url: URL to the preview of the dispatch
- string report_url: URL to the statistics page of the dispatch
- string admin_url: URL to the administration page of the dispatch
- string subject: Standard subject line of the dispatch
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the target group to which the mailing was sent
- int send_start_time: Unix timestamp of the dispatch start
- int send_end time: Unix timestamp of the dispatch end
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">
<preview_url xsi:nil="true"/>
Query openings / impressions of a shipment
EvalancheMailingImpression[] getImpressions( int mailing_id, int start_timestamp = 0, int end_timestamp = 0 )
- int mailing_id: Id of dispatch
- int start_timestamp = 0: UTC Unix Timestamp, from which time on tracking data should be considered
- int end_timestamp = 0: UTC Unix timestamp, up to and including which time tracking data should be considered
Return value
- EvalancheMailingImpression[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int id: Unique Id of the tracking data record
- int profile_id: Id of the user who performed the action
- int timestamp: UTC Unix timestamp of the action
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Query clicks of a dispatch
EvalancheMailingClick[] getClicks( int mailing_id, int start_timestamp = 0, int end_timestamp = 0 )
- int mailing_id: Id of dispatch
- int start_timestamp = 0: UTC Unix Timestamp, from which time on tracking data should be considered
- int end_timestamp = 0: UTC Unix timestamp, up to and including which time tracking data should be considered
Return value
- EvalancheMailingClick[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int id: Unique Id of the tracking data record
- int profile_id: Id of the user who performed the action
- int timestamp: UTC Unix timestamp of the action
- int link_id: Id of the link for which a click was recorded. If the value -1 is returned here, the parent_id observable
- int link_type_id: Format of the resource in which the user performed the action.
The following values are possible:
0: Unknown
1: Online view of a newsletter
2: PDF view of an article or newsletter
3: Text view of the newsletter
4: Web/Mobile view of the newsletter
5: Landingpage of an article
6: Click on Landingpage link
7: LeadPage opening
11: XSL-FO view of an article or newsletter
12: Display of the RSS feed of a newsletter
19: Newsletter opening
20: External link
21: Display of the ATOM feed of a newsletter
22: Call up read aloud service for an article or a newsletter
23: Reading of articles or newsletter data by the reading service
24: Calling the reading service for a newsletter Podcast
25: Reading of podcast data by the reading service
40: Article shared in Facebook
41: Article shared in Google Bookmarks
42: Article shared in MySpace
43: Article shared in
44: Article shared on Twitter
45: Article shared on Xing
46: Article shared on LinkedIn
47: Article shared on Google+
50: Click on article shared on Facebook
51: Click on article shared on Google Bookmarks
52: Click on article shared on MySpace
53: Click on article shared on
54: Click on shared article in Twitter
55: Click on shared article in Xing
59: Click on shared article in LinkedId
60: Click on shared article in Google+ - int parent_id: Id of the resource where the link was clicked, either the mailing id or the article reference id.
Explanation of ``link_id'' and ``parent_id'':
The link_id only has a value greater than or equal to 0 if it is a "normal" link. Clicks on e.g. landing page links, PDF generation, voice, etc. always have a link_id link_id equal to -1.
In this case, the parent_id must be used for closer examination:
If the parent_id is equal to the passed mailing_id, the click took place in the mailing or the mailing was presented in the format of link_type_id. This may have been a click on read aloud or PDF generation in the mailing itself, for example.
If the parent_id is not equal to the passed mailing_id, the click referred to the article reference with the id equal to the parent_id, e.g. by clicking on a sharing link of the article.
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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Query cumulative statistics for a shipment
EvalancheMailingStatistics getStatistics( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of dispatch
Return value
- EvalancheMailingStatistics: Object (SOAP) or array with the following attributes:
- int addressees: number of addressees
- int recipients: Number of recipients
- int duplicates: Number of profiles ignored by the duplicate check
- int blacklisted: Number of profiles ignored by blacklisting
- int robinsonlisted: Number of profiles ignored by the Robinson list
- int hardbounces: Number of hardbounces
- int softbounces: Number of soft bounces
- int unsubscribes: Number of logouts
- int impressions: Number of openings
- int unique_impressions: Number of openers
- int clicks: Number of clicks
- int unique_clicks: Number of unique clicks
- EvalancheMediaStatistics media: Object (SOAP) or array with the following attributes:
- string name: Name of the medium
- int clicks: Number of clicks
- int unique_clicks: Number of clickers
- EvalancheArticleStatistics articles: Object (SOAP) or array with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the article
- string name: Name of the article
- int clicks: Number of clicks
- int unique_clicks: Number of clickers
- EvalancheLinkStatistics left: Object (SOAP) or array with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the link
- string name: URL of the link
- int clicks: Number of clicks
- int unique_clicks: Number of clickers
- string url: URL of the link
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Query detailed article statistics of a shipment
ArticleStats[] getArticleStatistics( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of dispatch
Return value
- ArticleStats[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the article
- int reference_id: Id of the article reference (link between article and dispatch)
- string name: Name of the article
- ArticleFormatStats overall: Statistics of the article on all output formats
- ArticleFormatStats landingpage: Statistics of the Landinpage clicks of the article
- ArticleFormatStats print: Statistics of PDF/Print clicks of the article
- ArticleFormatStats voice: Statistics of the voice clicks of the article
- ArticleFormatStats social_sharing: Statistics of the Share to Social clicks of the article
- Objects of type ArticleFormatStats have the following attributes:
- int clicks: Number of clicks on the corresponding format of the article
- int unique_clicks: Number of unique clicks on the corresponding format of the article
- float clickrate: Click rate of the corresponding format of the article
- float clickrate_relative: Relative click rate of the corresponding format of the article
- float multiple_clickrate: Multiple click rate of the corresponding format of the article
- float multiple_clickrate_relative: Relative multiple click rate of the corresponding format of the article
- ArticleLinkStats[] left: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int id: Link Id
- string url: Link Url
- string name: Name of the link
- int clicks: Number of clicks on this link
- int unique_clicks: Number of unique clicks on this link
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<name>Die wunderbare Kraft der Sonnenblume</name>
Reading the status of the recipient profiles
EvalancheProfileMailingStatus[] getStatus( int mailing_id, int timeframe, string[] profile_attributes )
- int mailing_id: Id of dispatch
- int timeframe: seconds from now in the past, from which status changes should be queried.
- string[] profile_attributes: List of profile attributes which are to be returned in the result. If an empty array is passed, no profile data is returned
Return value
- EvalancheProfileMailingStatus[]: List of objects (SOAP) or arrays with the following attributes:
- int profile_id: Id of the profile
- int newsletter_id: Id of dispatch
- int last_status_change: Unix timestamp of the time of the last status change for the profile concerned
- int status: Dispatch status of the profile in question
- string preview_url: Personalized mailing preview
- string profile_data: Array with the attribute names as key and the attribute value as value
Required rights
The dispatch status means:
- 0 = Queue
- 1 = dispatch successful
- 2 = Hardbounce
- 3 = soft bounce
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Reading the subject lines of a mailing
EvalancheMailingSubject getSubjects( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing
Return value
- EvalancheMailingSubject[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the target group for the subject line. The ID 0 represents the standard subject line
- The subject line Timestamp of the mailing
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Set subject lines of a mailing
bool setSubjects ( int mailing_id, EvalancheMailingSubject[] subjects )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing
- EvalancheMailingSubject[] subjects: Analogous to the return value, read out under subject lines of a mailing. A configuration with the target group Id 0 is mandatory.
Return value
- bool: true in case of success
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Reading the client statistics of a mailing
bool getClientStatistics ( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing
Return value
- ClientStatistics: Object (SOAP) or array with the following attributes:
- mail_clients: Array with the following attributes:
- item: Array with the following attributes:
- string description: Description of the e-mail client
- int count: Number of profiles tracked with this email client
- item: Array with the following attributes:
- browsers: Array with the following attributes:
- item: Array with the following attributes:
- string description: Description of the browser
- int count: Number of profiles tracked with this browser
- item: Array with the following attributes:
- devices: Array with the following attributes:
- item: Array with the following attributes:
- string description: Description of the terminal device
- int count: Number of profiles tracked with this device
- item: Array with the following attributes:
- mail_clients: Array with the following attributes:
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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Reading the configuration of a direct mailing
EvalancheMailingConfiguration getConfiguration( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing
Return value
- EvalancheMailingConfiguration Object with the following attributes:
- string external_trackingcode: Value of the field External tracking code
- string campaign_id: Value of the field Campaign Id
- string externalxml_url: Value of the field URL to external XML
- string salutation_female: Value of the field Individualised form of address: Ms
- string salutation_male: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Mr
- string salutation_company: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Company
- string salutation_family: Value of the field Individualized form of address: Family
- string salutation_other: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Not specified
- string sender_email: Value of the field Return address
- string sender_name: Value of the field Sender
- string reply_email: Value of the field Reply to
- string reply_name: Value of the field reply to
- string grant_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL for entries
- string revoke_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL in case of a cancellation
- string inputfield_0: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 0
- string inputfield_1: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 1
- string inputfield_2: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 2
- string inputfield_3: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 3
- string inputfield_4: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 4
- string inputfield_5: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 5
- string inputfield_6: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 6
- string inputfield_7: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 7
- string inputfield_8: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 8
- string inputfield_9: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 9
- string textarea_0: Value of the field TEXTAREA 0
- string textarea_1: Value of the field TEXTAREA 1
- string textarea_2: Value of the field TEXTAREA 2
- string textarea_3: Value of the field TEXTAREA 3
- string textarea_4: Value of the field TEXTAREA 4
- string textarea_5: Value of the field TEXTAREA 5
- string textarea_6: Value of the field TEXTAREA 6
- string textarea_7: Value of the field TEXTAREA 7
- string textarea_8: Value of the field TEXTAREA 8
- string textarea_9: Value of the field TEXTAREA 9
- string htmlarea_0: Value of the field HTMLAREA 0 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_1: Value of the field HTMLAREA 1 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_2: Value of the field HTMLAREA 2 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_3: Value of the field HTMLAREA 3 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_4: Value of the field HTMLAREA 4 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_5: Value of the field HTMLAREA 5 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_6: Value of the field HTMLAREA 6 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_7: Value of the field HTMLAREA 7 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_8: Value of the field HTMLAREA 8 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_9: Value of the field HTMLAREA 9 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
Required rights
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Set configuration of a direct mailing
bool setConfiguration( int mailing_id, EvalancheMailingConfiguration configuration )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing
- EvalancheMailingConfiguration: Read object analogous to return value under Configuration of a direct mailing
Return value
- bool: true in case of success
Required rights
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Read out mailing drafts ready for dispatch
EvalancheResourceInformation[] getSendableDrafts( boo-bool unsent )
- bool unsent: If true is transferred, only drafts that have not yet been sent are returned
Return value
- EvalancheResourceInformation[]: List of objects analogous to the method getById (retrieve information about an object using object Id)
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Read out mailing drafts ready for dispatch from a client
EvalancheResourceInformation[] getSendableDraftsByMandatorId( int mandator_id, bool unsent )
- int mandator_id: The Id of the client from which drafts are to be searched bool unsent: If true is transferred, only drafts that have not yet been sent are returned
Return value
- EvalancheResourceInformation[]: List of objects analogous to the method getById (Query information about an object using object Id)
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Creating a direct mailing from a template
EvalancheResourceInformation createDraft( string name, int template_id, int category_id )
- string name: Name of the direct mailing to be created
- int template_id: Id of the template to be used
- int category_id: Id of the folder in which the direct mailing is to be created
- int type_id (optional): Id of the eMailing-Type
- 66 - regular eMailing - Default
- 69 - Event eMailing
- 76 - Trigger eMailing
Return value
- EvalancheResourceInformation: Object analogous to the method getById (retrieve information about an object using object Id)
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<!-- optional parameter type_id -->
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Reading articles from a mailing
MailingArticle[] getArticles( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing from which the articles are to be read
Return value
- MailingArticles[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the article reference (connection between actual article and mailing)
- int article_id: Id of the article object
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the target group, for which the article is to be displayed exclusively
- int sortpos: Position of the article within its slot starting at 0
- int slot: Number of the slot in which the article is located starting with 0
- int html_preset_id: Id of the assigned article template for the eMail (HTML) display. The ID 0 means that the corresponding standard article template is used
- int landingpage_preset_id: Id of the assigned article template for the landing page display. The ID 0 means that the corresponding standard article template is used
- int text_preset_id: Id of the assigned article template for the text display. Id 0 means that the corresponding standard article template is used
- int pdf_preset_id: Id of the assigned article template for the PDF display. The ID 0 means that the corresponding standard article template is used
- int mobile_preset_id: Id of the assigned article template for the mobile or web presentation. The ID 0 means that the corresponding standard article template is used
Required rights
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Remove all articles from a mailing
bool removeAllArticles( int mailing_id )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing from which the articles are to be removed. The article objects as such are not changed
Return value
- bool: In case of success true
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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Remove certain articles from a mailing
MailingArticle[] removeArticles( int mailing_id, int[] reference_ids )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing from which the articles are to be removed. The article objects as such are not changed
- int[] reference_ids: List of article reference IDs of the articles to be removed. The IDs can be removed using the method getArticles are determined ( MailingArticle:id )
Return value
- MailingArticles[] Read out list of objects analogous to the return value for the article of a mailing - after removing the specified articles. true
Required rights
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<!-- list of articles still used in mailing -->
Add articles to a mailing and update existing articles
MailingArticle[] addArticles( int mailing_id, MailingArticle[] articles )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing in which the articles are to be updated or inserted
- MailingArticles[] articles: Read a list of objects in the same way as the return value for the article in a direct mailing. Whether an update or new creation is carried out is determined by the attribute MailingArticle:id of an article is controlled. If a valid article reference Id is passed here, the corresponding article is updated. If 0 the article is inserted.
Return value
- Read out list of objects analogous to the return value of an article in a mailing - after inserting or updating the article
Required rights
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Sending a mailing to a target group
EvalancheMailingInformation sendToTargetgroup( int mailing_id, int targetgroup_id, int send_time, int speed )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing draft to be sent
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the target group
- int send_time: Unix timestamp of the dispatch time (UTC). If this is in the past, the dispatch starts immediately
- int speed: Sending speed in mails/hour. If this value is 0, no throttling is applied
Return value
- EvalancheMailingInformation: Object analogous to the method getDetails (Query details of a dispatch)
Required rights
<soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail=""> <soapenv
:Header/> <soapenv
:Body> <mail:
sendToTargetgroup> <mailing_id>MAILING_ID</mailing_id>
<speed>SENDSPEED</speed> </mail:
sendToTargetgroup> </soapenv
:Body> </soapenv
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns1="">
<preview_url xsi:nil="true"/>
Send a mailing to individual profiles
int[] sendToProfiles( int mailing_id, int[] profile_ids )
- int mailing_id: Id of the mailing int[] profile_ids: List of Profile Ids
Return value
- int[]: List with the IDs of the profiles to which the dispatch was successful
Required rights
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