Field replacement variable in HTML attribute
This is an indication that a replacement variable for an input field, text or HTML area has been passed directly to an src attribute of an img tag or an href attribute of an a tag in the source code:
<a href="{$INPUTFIELD_0}">...</a> <img alt="" border="0" src="{$INPUTFIELD_0}" />
The replacement variables for Inputfields, Textareas and HTMLAreas always automatically generate code for an input field in the Visual Editor. Invalid HTML is thus rendered into the src attribute of the image tag in the Visual Editor. To display the content of the input field in the image tag, you must therefore pass the value of the input field, text area, or HTML area via TAL:
<a href="#" tal:attributes="href THIS/getInputFields/0">...</a> <img alt="" border="0" src="#" tal:attributes="src THIS/getInputFields/0" />
Alternatively, you can also have the relevant code location completely hidden for the Visual Editor:
<div tal:condition="not:THIS/isAppendMode">...</div>