The following SOAP methods are provided specifically for interaction with e-mailings.
Add articles to a mailing template or modify existing articles.
EvalancheMailingTemplateArticles[] addArticles( int mailing_template_id, int id, int article_id, int targetgroup_id, int html_preset_id, int text_preset_id, int landingpage_preset_id, int pdf_preset_id, int mobile_preset_id, int sort_pos, int slot )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- int id: Id of the article reference of the article in the mailing. Necessary if an article reference already in the direct mailing template is to be changed. If the ID is 0 or not available, the article is set to a new article reference.
- int article_id: Id of the article
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the target group, if the article is to be visible only to a limited extent.
- int html_preset_id: Id of the article template for EMAIL/HTML
- int text_preset_id: Id of the article template for TEXT
- int landingpage_preset_id: Id of the article template for LP/HTML
- int pdf_preset_id: Id of the article template for PDF
- int mobile_preset_id: Id of the article template for WEB/MOBILE
- int sort_pos:
- int slot: Id of the slot
Return value
- EvalancheMailingtemplateArticles: Object (SOAP) or array with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the article reference of the article in the mailing.
- int article_id: Id of the article
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the target group, if the article is to be visible only to a limited extent.
- int html_preset_id: Id of the article template for EMAIL/HTML
- int text_preset_id: Id of the article template for TEXT
- int landingpage_preset_id: Id of the article template for LP/HTML
- int pdf_preset_id: Id of the article template for PDF
- int mobile_preset_id: Id of the article template for WEB/MOBILE
- int sort_pos:
- int slot: Id of the slot
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<!--You may enter the following 10 items in any order-->
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Inserts a slot in a mailing template.
EvalancheMailingtemplateSlots[] getImpressions( int mailing_template_id, int slot_number )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- int slot_number: Id of the new slot
Return value
- EvalancheMailingSlot: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the added slot
- string name: Default name of the added slot
- int slot_number: Id of the added slot
- int sort_type_id: Id of slot sorting
- int sort_type_value: Value of the slot sort order (not equal to 0 if top-x sorting was selected)
- EvalancheMailingTemplateSlotItems[]:
- int article_type_id: Id of the article type
- email_article_template_id: Id of the article template for EMAIL/HTML
- text_article_template_id: Id of the article template for TEXT
- landingpage_article_template_id: Id of the article template for LANDINGPAGE
- pdf_article_template_id: Id of the article template for PDF
- web_article_template_id: Id of the article template for WEB/MOBILE
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Inserts article templates into the standard article template configuration, existing slots.
EvalancheMailingTemplateSlot[] addTemplatesToSlots( int mailing_template_id, int slot_id, int[] templateSlotData[] )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- int slot_id: Id of the slot
- EvalancheMailingTemplateSlotData
- int key: Id of the article template type
- 1 = EMAIL / HTML
- 2 = PDF
- 3 = TEXT
- 4 = WEB / MOBILE
- int Value: Id of the article template
- int key: Id of the article template type
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplateSlotData[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int article_type_id: Id of the article type (fallback = 0)
- int email_article_template_id: Id of the article template for EMAIL/HTML
- int text_article_template_id: Id of article Template for TEXT
- int landingpage_article_template_id: Id of article template for LANDINGPAGE
- int pdf_article_template_id: Id of article template for PDF
- int web_article_template_id: Id of the article template for WEB/MOBILE
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Applies a mailing template to a list of e-mailings.
EvalancheMailingTemplate applyTemplate( int mailing_template_id, int[] mailing_ids )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of dispatch
- int[] mailing__id: List of eMailing Ids
Return value
- bool: In case of success true
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Outputs all mailing templates of a client.
EvalancheMailingTemplates getAll( int mandator_id )
- int mandator_id: Id of the client
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplates[]: List of data of the updated eMailings
- string url: URL of the e-mailing
- int type_id: Type-ID of the e-mailing
- int category_id: Folder ID of the e-mailing
- int customer_id: ID of the client
- int id: ID of the e-mailing
- string name: Name of the e-mailing
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Outputs all preconfigured articles of the mailing template.
EvalancheMailingTemplateArticles[] getStatus( int mailing_template_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplateArticles[]: List of objects (SOAP) or arrays with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the article reference in the mailing template
- int article_id: Id of the article
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the restriction target groups
- int html_preset_id: Id of the article template EMAIL/HTML
- int text_preset_id: Id of article Template for TEXT
- int landingpage_preset_id: Id of article template for LANDINGPAGE
- int pdf_preset_id: Id of article template for PDF
- int mobile_preset_id: Id of the article template for WEB/MOBILE
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Outputs all mailing templates in a folder.
EvalancheMailingTemplates[] getByCategory( int category_id )
- int category_id: Id of the folder
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplates[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- string url: URL of the mailing template
- int type_id: Type-ID of the mailing template
- int category_id: Folder ID of the mailing template
- int customer_id: ID of the mailing template
- int id: ID of the mailing template
- string name: Name of the mailing template
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Outputs all direct mailing templates with a given EXTERNAL_ID. Currently no usage scenario, since External ID does not yet exist.
EvalancheMailingTemplates[] getByExternalId ( string external_id )
- string external_id: Mailing templates
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplates[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- string url: URL of the mailing template
- int type_id: Type-ID of the mailing template
- int category_id: Folder ID of the mailing template
- int customer_id: ID of the mailing template
- int id: ID of the mailing template
- string name: Name of the mailing template
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Selects a mailing template based on the ID.
EvalancheMailingTemplate getConfiguration ( int mailing_template_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplateConfiguration: Object with the following attributes:
- string container_type: Containertype-Id
- string external_trackingcode: Value of the field External tracking code
- string campaign_id: Value of the field Campaign Id
- string externalxml_url: Value of the field URL to external XML
- string salutation_female: Value of the field Individualised form of address: Ms
- string salutation_male: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Mr
- string salutation_company: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Company
- string salutation_family: Value of the field Individualized form of address: Family
- string salutation_other: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Not specified
- string sender_email: Value of the field Return address
- string sender_name: Value of the field Sender
- string reply_email: Value of the field Reply to
- string reply_name: Value of the field reply to
- string grant_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL for entries
- string revoke_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL in case of a cancellation
- string inputfield_0: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 0
- string inputfield_1: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 1
- string inputfield_2: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 2
- string inputfield_3: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 3
- string inputfield_4: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 4
- string inputfield_5: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 5
- string inputfield_6: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 6
- string inputfield_7: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 7
- string inputfield_8: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 8
- string inputfield_9: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 9
- string textarea_0: Value of the field TEXTAREA 0
- string textarea_1: Value of the field TEXTAREA 1
- string textarea_2: Value of the field TEXTAREA 2
- string textarea_3: Value of the field TEXTAREA 3
- string textarea_4: Value of the field TEXTAREA 4
- string textarea_5: Value of the field TEXTAREA 5
- string textarea_6: Value of the field TEXTAREA 6
- string textarea_7: Value of the field TEXTAREA 7
- string textarea_8: Value of the field TEXTAREA 8
- string textarea_9: Value of the field TEXTAREA 9
- string htmlarea_0: Value of the field HTMLAREA 0 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_1: Value of the field HTMLAREA 1 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_2: Value of the field HTMLAREA 2 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_3: Value of the field HTMLAREA 3 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_4: Value of the field HTMLAREA 4 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_5: Value of the field HTMLAREA 5 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_6: Value of the field HTMLAREA 6 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_7: Value of the field HTMLAREA 7 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_8: Value of the field HTMLAREA 8 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_9: Value of the field HTMLAREA 9 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
Required rights
Display template
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Read slot configuration of a mailing template
EvalancheMailingTemplateSlotConfiguration getSlotConfiguration( int mailing_template_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
Return value
- EvalancheSlotConfiguration Object with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the slot
- string name: Name of the slot
- int slot_number: Position of the slot
- int sort_type_id: Id of the slot sorting
- int sort_type_value: Value of the slot sort order
- EvalancheSlotItems[]: Object with the following attributes
- int article_type_id: Id of the article type (fallback = 0)
- int email_article_template_id: Id of the article template EMAIL/HTML
- int text_article_template_id: Id of the article template TEXT
- int landingpage_article_template_id: Id of the article template LANDINGPAGE
- int pdf_article_template_id: Id of the article template PDF
- int web_article_template_id: Id of the article template WEB
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Set configuration of a direct mailing
bool getSources( int mailing_template_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
Return value
- string email: Source text of the EMAIL/HTML template
- string text: Source text of the TEXT template
- string web: Source code of the WEB/MOBILE template
- string pdf: Source code of the PDF template
- string landingpage: Source code of the LANDINGPAGE template
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
<email>EMAIL/HTML SOURCE</email>
<text>TEXT SOURCE</text>
<web>WEB SOURCE</web>
<pdf>PDF SOURCE</pdf>
<landingpage>LANDINGPAGE SOURCE</landingpage>
Removes all standard articles from a mailing template
bool removeAllArticles( int mailing_template_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
Return value
- bool: true if successful
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Removes articles from a mailing template using your reference IDs.
bool removeArticles( int mailing_template_id, int[] reference_ids )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- int[] reference_ids: Id of the article references
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplateArticles[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int id: Id of the article reference in the mailing template
- int article_id: Id of the article
- int targetgroup_id: Id of the restriction target groups
- int html_preset_id: Id of the article template EMAIL/HTML
- int text_preset_id: Id of article Template for TEXT
- int landingpage_preset_id: Id of article template for LANDINGPAGE
- int pdf_preset_id: Id of article template for PDF
- int mobile_preset_id: Id of the article template for WEB/MOBILE
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Removes a slot from a mailing template
EvalancheMailingTemplateSlots removeSlot( int mailing_template_id, int slot_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- int slot_id: Id of the slot to be deleted
Return value
- no return
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
Removes a standard article template from a slot
EvalancheMailingTemplateSlots[] removeTemplateFromSlot( int template_mailing_id, int slot_id, int template_type, int article_type_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- int slot_id: Id of the slot
- int template_type: Id of the template type
- int article_type_id: Id of the article type
Return value
- None
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
Sets default contents of a mailing template
EvalancheMailingTemplateConfiguration removeAllArticles( int mailing_template_id, configuration[] configuration )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- EvalancheMailingTemplateConfiguration[]:
- string container_type: Containertyp-Id
- string external_trackingcode: Value of the field External tracking code
- string campaign_id: Value of the field Campaign Id
- string externalxml_url: Value of the field URL to external XML
- string salutation_female: Value of the field Individualised form of address: Ms
- string salutation_male: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Mr
- string salutation_company: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Company
- string salutation_family: Value of the field Individualized form of address: Family
- string salutation_other: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Not specified
- string sender_email: Value of the field Return address
- string sender_name: Value of the field Sender
- string reply_email: Value of the field Reply to
- string reply_name: Value of the field reply to
- string grant_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL for entries
- string revoke_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL in case of a cancellation
- string inputfield_0: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 0
- string inputfield_1: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 1
- string inputfield_2: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 2
- string inputfield_3: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 3
- string inputfield_4: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 4
- string inputfield_5: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 5
- string inputfield_6: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 6
- string inputfield_7: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 7
- string inputfield_8: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 8
- string inputfield_9: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 9
- string textarea_0: Value of the field TEXTAREA 0
- string textarea_1: Value of the field TEXTAREA 1
- string textarea_2: Value of the field TEXTAREA 2
- string textarea_3: Value of the field TEXTAREA 3
- string textarea_4: Value of the field TEXTAREA 4
- string textarea_5: Value of the field TEXTAREA 5
- string textarea_6: Value of the field TEXTAREA 6
- string textarea_7: Value of the field TEXTAREA 7
- string textarea_8: Value of the field TEXTAREA 8
- string textarea_9: Value of the field TEXTAREA 9
- string htmlarea_0: Value of the field HTMLAREA 0 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_1: Value of the field HTMLAREA 1 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_2: Value of the field HTMLAREA 2 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_3: Value of the field HTMLAREA 3 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_4: Value of the field HTMLAREA 4 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_5: Value of the field HTMLAREA 5 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_6: Value of the field HTMLAREA 6 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_7: Value of the field HTMLAREA 7 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_8: Value of the field HTMLAREA 8 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_9: Value of the field HTMLAREA 9 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplateConfiguration: List with the following attributes:
- string container_type: Containertyp-Id
- string external_trackingcode: Value of the field External tracking code
- string campaign_id: Value of the field Campaign Id
- string externalxml_url: Value of the field URL to external XML
- string salutation_female: Value of the field Individualised form of address: Ms
- string salutation_male: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Mr
- string salutation_company: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Company
- string salutation_family: Value of the field Individualized form of address: Family
- string salutation_other: Value of the field Individualized salutation: Not specified
- string sender_email: Value of the field Return address
- string sender_name: Value of the field Sender
- string reply_email: Value of the field Reply to
- string reply_name: Value of the field reply to
- string grant_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL for entries
- string revoke_url: Value of the field Confirmation URL in case of a cancellation
- string inputfield_0: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 0
- string inputfield_1: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 1
- string inputfield_2: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 2
- string inputfield_3: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 3
- string inputfield_4: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 4
- string inputfield_5: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 5
- string inputfield_6: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 6
- string inputfield_7: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 7
- string inputfield_8: Value of the field INPUTFIELD 8
- string inputfield_9: Value of the field INPUT FIELD 9
- string textarea_0: Value of the field TEXTAREA 0
- string textarea_1: Value of the field TEXTAREA 1
- string textarea_2: Value of the field TEXTAREA 2
- string textarea_3: Value of the field TEXTAREA 3
- string textarea_4: Value of the field TEXTAREA 4
- string textarea_5: Value of the field TEXTAREA 5
- string textarea_6: Value of the field TEXTAREA 6
- string textarea_7: Value of the field TEXTAREA 7
- string textarea_8: Value of the field TEXTAREA 8
- string textarea_9: Value of the field TEXTAREA 9
- string htmlarea_0: Value of the field HTMLAREA 0 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_1: Value of the field HTMLAREA 1 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_2: Value of the field HTMLAREA 2 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_3: Value of the field HTMLAREA 3 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_4: Value of the field HTMLAREA 4 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_5: Value of the field HTMLAREA 5 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_6: Value of the field HTMLAREA 6 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_7: Value of the field HTMLAREA 7 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_8: Value of the field HTMLAREA 8 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
- string htmlarea_9: Value of the field HTMLAREA 9 - Valid XHTML is mandatory!
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Overwrites the design source texts of the mailing template
EvalancheMailingTemplateSources setSource( int mailing_template_id, sources[] sources, bool overwrite )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- sources[] sources: List with the following attributes:
- string email: Source code for EMAIL / HTML
- string text: Source code for TEXT
- string web: Source code for WEB / MOBILE
- string pdf: Source code for PDF
- string landingpage: Source code for LANDINGPAGE
- bool overwrite: Determines whether empty values should also be overwritten
Return value
- sources[] sources: List with the following attributes:
- string email: Source code for EMAIL / HTML
- string text: Source code for TEXT
- string web: Source code for WEB / MOBILE
- string pdf: Source code for PDF
- string landingpage: Source code for LANDINGPAGE
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Updates an existing slot
EvalancheMailingTemplateSlotConfiguration updateSlot( int mailing_template_id, int slot_id, int slot_number, string name, int sort_type_id, int sort_value )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- int slot_id: Id of the slot to be updated
- int slot_numbers: new slot position
- string name: new slot name
- int sort_type_id: Slot Sorting Type-Id
- int sort_value: Value of slot sort type
Return value
- int id: Id of the slot
- string name: Name of the slot
- int slot_number: Position of the slot
- int sort_type_id: Id of the slot sorting
- int sort_type_value: Value of the slot sort order
- EvalancheSlotItems[]: Object with the following attributes
- int article_type_id: Id of the article type (fallback = 0)
- int email_article_template_id: Id of the article template EMAIL/HTML
- int text_article_template_id: Id of the article template TEXT
- int landingpage_article_template_id: Id of the article template LANDINGPAGE
- int pdf_article_template_id: Id of the article template PDF
- int web_article_template_id: Id of the article template WEB
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">
Updates the article templates of an existing slot
EvalancheMailingInformation updateSlotTemplates( int mailing_template_id, int slot_id, string[] data, int article_type_id )
- int mailing_template_id: Id of the mailing template
- EvalancheMailingTemplateSlotData
- int key: Id of the article template type
- 1 = EMAIL / HTML
- 2 = PDF
- 3 = TEXT
- 4 = WEB / MOBILE
- int Value: Id of the article template
- int key: Id of the article template type
- int article_type_id: Id of the article type (fallback = 0)
Return value
- EvalancheMailingTemplateSlotData[]: List of objects with the following attributes:
- int article_type_id: Id of the article type (fallback = 0)
- int email_article_template_id: Id of the article template for EMAIL/HTML
- int text_article_template_id: Id of article Template for TEXT
- int landingpage_article_template_id: Id of article template for LANDINGPAGE
- int pdf_article_template_id: Id of article template for PDF
- int web_article_template_id: Id of the article template for WEB/MOBILE
Required rights
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:mail="">
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<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="">