Pool and profiles
The pool is the central database for storing profiles in the system. All pools are created in the Profiles main folder. Each pool can contain customer profiles. As a rule, one pool containing all profiles is sufficient.
The pool statistics show the development of the pool over time. The number of all profiles is displayed - the unconfirmed, deleted, incorrect and usable profiles.
Profiles are entered, either by importing existing address data, by manual entry or via web forms. In addition to the already predefined standard fields such as name, address and eMail address, you can freely define and set up additional fields for your purposes. For each of these fields you determine a data type in order to store the information correctly.
A click on the pool object opens a list with the profiles it contains. To edit individual fields of a profile, click Details.
To access the pool configuration, click on the Configuration tab. Then a page opens with the configured fields and field names of the pool. With a click on Edit you can edit the pool fields within a limited range and save the changed field settings.
Profile list
In the profile list, you can see all the profiles in the pool. You can group the profile list into 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 profiles and scroll through them pagewise. Alternatively, you can search the list for specific entries. The default search setting is Name, First Name, eMail or Company. With a click on Advanced under the search field you can select fields, which are to be searched. If successful, the entries found are displayed in a partial list.
Elements of the profile list
- Search Field: A drop-down menu allows you to select fields for searching.
- Display target groups: If a target group is specified here, only the profiles of the target group are displayed in the list.
- View List Items: With a click on the list symbol an individual view of the profile list elements can be displayed and saved permanently.
- Status of the profiles:
OK = loadable
OK (1 HB) = loadable and 1 Hardbounce
Incorrect = 3 Hardbounces, not dispatchable
Unconfirmed = not dispatchable
Unsubscribed = not dispatchable - Profile export: Use the export button to export the profiles.
- Selection: Profiles can also be selected and deleted via check boxes.
Furthermore you can edit each profile of the list manually or enter a new profile with a click on New entry via an input mask. Manually entered profiles always receive opt-out (confirmed) as default permission. The history (entry, confirmation, deregistration, etc.) of each profile can also be viewed in the editing mask.
Profile details
Each profile is divided into two separate areas, Details and Edit. In the Details section you can see the history of a profile, e.g. which newsletters have been received and opened, which forms have been filled out or which WebTouchPoints and SmartLinks have been clicked. In the Edit section, information provided by the profile itself is displayed and can be edited to a certain extent. All information that is stored in a profile can be read out via the internal field names (replacement variables) and, if necessary, output in newsletters and eMails.
Details: History
The profile history lists the delivered e-mailings with date and delivery status (St.), as well as filled and sent forms. Either the mailings have the status OK for delivered or HB for hardbounce. Depending on the selected data storage, openings (Open) and or multiple openings (M.-Open) of the mailing as well as clicks (Kl.), multiple clicks (M.-Kl.) with date and time are listed. If data is stored anonymously, no openings and clicks are displayed.
All delivered eMailings are listed under the tab History/EMailings.
Edit profile: Basic data tab
In the Basic data, information such as title, name, email address, postal address and other contact information of the profile is stored.
Edit profile: Internal tab
Legally relevant information is stored in the Internal section. Entries such as the DOI permission only receive their validity in connection with the stored IP address.
Profile: Tab Without relation
The Without relation area is the fallback category for fields that are not assigned to a category. This category cannot be renamed or deleted.
Pool Configuration
On the Configuration tab, you can divide all fields of the pool into groups (categories). This grouping can be customized. You can see the already existing categories (Basic Data, Internal, No Assignment) and can create new categories here as well as rename or delete existing categories. Here you can find more details about the configuration.