Using a dynamic landing page successfully
The LeadPage is usually created in the Web folder. A LeadPage is used to display content (for example, articles, news, product information, and so on) as a Web site or as a landing page for generating addresses. The LeadPage is created using a corresponding LeadPage template with matching article templates and a list of articles. Like eMailing, the LeadPage also has various display formats such as PDF or RSS/Atom feeds. It offers an easy way to integrate articles dynamically on a website without a Content Management System (CMS). In addition to a display independent of the eMailings, you can also use the LeadPage, for example, to create an archive of articles of sent newsletters.
Create LeadPage
For example, a LeadPage can be created in the folder "Web" with a click on the button "New".
The configuration of the LeadPage is identical to the maintenance of the content of an emailing in the advanced and visual editor. The articles are inserted into the designated slot of the LeadPage and can be moved within the slot. An article can be assigned its own article template for each slot for display on the LeadPage or landing page.
Edit content
In the visual editor view, you can easily insert articles into LeadPage or directly edit the article content with one click. Article images can be replaced with new images via drag & drop.
To personalize the LeadPage, the replacement variables from the system can be used. This allows the reader, if he is registered in the pool, to be addressed directly on the LeadPage, e.g. with "Hello Mr. Mustermann, ...".
Furthermore, you can use the replacement variable: {$RENDER_FORM:FORMULARID} to integrate a form directly into a TextArea, e.g.: into the imprint of the LeadPage (make sure that the checkbox "Set action parameters" is selected for the form used under the Configuration tab). By means of the replacement variable: {$FORM_RENDER_UNPERSONALIZED:FORMULARID} also non-personalized forms can be integrated.
- With the article sorting you can set the order in which the articles are displayed in the newsletter:
Manual (articles are sorted as set)
Automatic (articles are sorted by profiling relevance)
Auto. Top-X (like Automatic, only as many articles are displayed as is set)
Auto. positive (as Automatic, only articles whose relevance calculation results in a positive final total are displayed) - The arrows can be used to change the order of items within a slot. The dashes next to the arrows are used to move the articles by drag & drop within the LeadPage. If an article is moved from one slot to another, it automatically receives the standard article template of the new slot.
- Each article can have its own target group. Thus this individualized article is only displayed to readers whose profile is available in the specified target group. With this type of individualization, you can, for example, provide additional information that should only be visible to a specific target group.
- Article images can easily be replaced by new images using drag & drop directly from the computer. The image files are automatically saved in the folder from which an image for this article was last loaded. Please remember that the size of the images should be adapted to the output size of the LeadPage.
Automatic article sorting
To the right of the slot name is a gear icon. This can be used to automatically sort the items based on certain criteria.
Article configuration
Above each article there is a grey bar, on the right side there is another gearwheel icon. This can be used to edit the article or remove it from the LeadPage. Furthermore, individual target groups or article templates can be set here.
Contents: Advanced Editor
On the Content/Contents tab, you can assign an individual article template to each article in its slot and, if necessary, also assign a different target group to it.
To assign a different article template, uncheck the Standard templates checkbox. An overview of the usable article templates opens. Select the desired template and the article will be displayed in the LeadPage with this new template.
To assign a specific target group to an article, click on the object picker "For all profiles". A list of all available target groups will open, sorted by modification date. If you select the desired target group, the article will only be displayed to profiles of this target group.
The extended editor also allows you to edit the text fields used in the template directly. The corresponding text fields can be found at the bottom of the input screen.
- Here you can select the slot in which the article should appear.
- If you uncheck the Standard Templates checkbox, you can select additional article templates to display the individual articles on the LeadPage or Landingpage.
- If you assign an own target group to an article, this article will only be displayed to visitors who are also in this target group.
- You can use the input, text, and HTML fields to make further entries for the LeadPage, provided these fields are used in the template.
Here you can assign a name for the internal use of the LeadPage, as well as a short description of the page. Under the item Template you can see the used template of the LeadPage. A click on the template name opens the template for editing in a new browser tab. When the template of the LeadPage is edited, the LeadPages must be updated to accept the changes. You can also define a feed image that is then displayed in the RSS/ATOM feed.
Under the tab Configuration at the point Template you get with one click directly to the template of the LeadPage.
Scoring values different from the default configuration can be specified for opens and clicks on the LeadPage. In addition, you can specify a description, e.g. for the weighting of the scoring values. A list of the last profiles that visited the page including generated scoring values can be seen under the Statistics/Scoring tab.
If a user clicks a link multiple times or the page is loaded multiple times within a period of time, a multiple score can be limited to a certain period of time.
The Integration tab contains the URL that leads to the LeadPage.
On the Integration tab you will find the direct URLs to the objects with different parameters, e.g. to identify the users (u={$UID}) or their location (f=28).
The following display variants are also possible:
- Direct call via URL
- Personalized in the mailing or on the website
- Personalized + location in mailing or website
- On the website in the iFrame
- On the website in a new browser window
- On the website in a new popup window
- As RSS feed
- As atom feed
- As Podcast (Feed)
- As a podcast (iTunes)
Under the Check tab, the display of the various output formats (HTML, LANDINGPAGE, PDF, RSS/Atom Feed) of a LeadPage can be selected via a drop-down menu. In addition, you can display the landing page as a viewer would see it. To do this, use a test target group. To do this, select a test target group under Check/Individualization and the corresponding profile to which the page should be displayed. This way you can check which articles are displayed to the visitor.
Select display type in the preview
- The various views of the LeadPage can be displayed via a drop-down menu for checking purposes.
- Under the "Check/Individualization" tab, a test target group can be set. It is then possible to have the LeadPage view displayed individually for each profile present in the test target group.
Under Check you have several options to check the functionality of LeadPage:
- Individualization displays the representation of individualized and personalized variables for the target group set here. To set it, select a suitable target group and save the object. If no target group is selected, the defined personas are offered for each pool. By clicking on "Preview" at a profile of the target group, the LeadPage will be adapted to the data of the profile concerned - e.g. individualized articles, etc. This allows you to check the correctness of individualizations and personalizations.
- Eyetracking provides an overview of the probable eye movements of the visitor. Additional costs are incurred for this check.
- Text analysis offers an evaluation of the texts of the LeadPage, among other things grammar, style and comprehensibility of the texts are checked. This check is only available for German-language content and additional costs are incurred.
- Links shows all standard and individual links integrated in the LeadPage and checks their validity - i.e. whether the target can be reached. Correct links are marked with a green OK, possible errors are marked in red.
In this view all statistical data of the LeadPage are summarized for an evaluation.
- Statistics: here you can find the sum of the openings of the LeadPage and its article landing page as well as the views of the RSS and Podcast version.
- Article: shows the number of clicks on the various sections of the article as well as the frequency of use of cross-media content such as read-aloud function.
- Links: the LeadPage's continuing links and the clicks on them are listed here. The clicks on the links are divided into:
- Clicks (unique): shows how many times a link was clicked:
1st value = sum of all clicks - 2nd value (in brackets) = clicks from uniquely identified users
- Click rate: is the percentage of visitors who clicked on the link at least once.
- Relative click rate: shows the percentage of visitors who visited the LeadPage at least once and clicked the link once.
- Forms: this area shows the number of openings, entries and, if applicable, the resulting new entries of an integrated form. Forms are integrated into the LeadPage template with the replacement variable: {$RENDER_FORM:FORMULARID}.
- Clicks (unique): shows how many times a link was clicked:
- Social: Provides an evaluation of how often articles were distributed in social networks and how often they were called up in social networks.
- Scoring: The diagram shows how often scoring values were entered in one day, retrospectively on the period of one year. The scoring entries of the created scoring groups are comparable under the corresponding tabs. In a list view, the last 15 profiles that generated scoring values through the LeadPage are displayed, together with the scoring value and date of creation.
- Client: Displays the number of devices and browsers with which the LeadPage was viewed.
Forms in the Leadpage
In order to include an existing form from the system into the LeadPage, the replacement variable with the form ID:
must be inserted in the source code under the tab Content/Visual in the LeadPage template.
The LeadPage calls the form via the {$RENDER_FORM:ID} replacement variable and renders the form to the LeadPage.
In the form, the "Set action parameter" checkbox must be checked in the special settings so that the form sends the data to itself and not to the LeadPage.
For the integrated form, a check mark must be set in the special settings under "Set action parameters" so that the entered data can be passed directly to the form.