The starting point "Persona" automatically imports profiles that have been assigned to a specific persona. This starting point also works for profiles with deactivated tracking.
Under settings you have to select a "persona". All profiles which can be assigned to this persona will be automatically imported into the campaign.
If the ‘Multipass’ option is deactivated, profiles can only run through this campaign once and are ignored when imported again. If the ‘Multipass’ option is activated, profiles can be imported again after pausing and re-starting a campaign.
If multipass is activated, profiles can run through the campaign again every day. It is therefore essential to integrate suitable protective measures into the campaign in order to avoid unwanted continuous sending of profiles.
Blocking period
If the ‘Multipass’ option is activated, a blocking period can optionally be specified. A profile can only be re-imported to this starting point after this campaign has ended and the blocking period has expired.
The start time of the campaign determines the campaign timing. To avoid unpredictable results, it should be ensured that the campaign start time does not collide with the persona calculation at night. If multipass is activated, the campaign is run every 24 hours at the campaign start time. The campaign start time can also be controlled by pausing and then activating the campaign.