The "Form" starting point automatically imports profiles that have submitted the selected form. This starting point also works for profiles with deactivated tracking. A multiple pass is optional for this starting point and can be controlled with the "Multipass" checkbox.
Under Settings you must first select a form. You can also specify whether only newly entered profiles are to be imported into the campaign or also profiles that have only been updated via the form.
If the ‘Multipass’ option is deactivated, profiles can only run through this campaign once and are ignored when imported again. If the ‘Multipass’ option is activated, profiles can be imported again after pausing and re-starting a campaign.
Blocking period
If the ‘Multipass’ option is activated, a blocking period can optionally be specified. A profile can only be re-imported to this starting point after this campaign has ended and the blocking period has expired.
Consider profile updates
If the ‘’Consider profile updates‘’ option is activated, not only newly entered profiles but also updated profiles are taken into account and continuously imported into the campaign.