A 2-click unsubscribe is used to avoid accidental unsubscribes. This makes it possible to provide an unsubscribe with an intermediate step in the form of an unsubscribe page to prevent accidental unsubscribes, e.g. by security software.
Enable 2-Click Logout
The 2-click unsubscribe is set up in the eMailing under the tab Configuration/eMail at the item Enable 2-Click Logout. (The one-click-unsubscribe-link in the mail header is left unchanged for legal reasons. The 2-click unsubscribe only applies to the variables {$REVOKE_URL} or {$DELETE_URL}).
A working unsubscribe page is already entered under this item. If you want to use an individual unsubscribe page, you have to make sure that the used web page contains a working unsubscribe link. The following example shows how such a link can be generated via TAL.
Example unsubscribe link for 2-click unsubscribe
If, for example, a LeadPage is used as a 2-click unsubscribe page, the unsubscribe link must be generated from parameters passed by the mailing. These parameters are called n, o_sid and u. These parameters are automatically appended to the 2-click unsubscribe URL from the emailing configuration and can be used with the following TAL code.
<a href="#" tal:attributes="href string:/delete.php?n=${REQUEST/n|string:},sid=${REQUEST/o_sid|string:},u=${REQUEST/u|string:}">unsubscribe here</a>
<a href="/delete.php?n=xxx,sid=xxx,u=xxx">unsubscribe here</a>
See also:
- tal:content (official TAL documentation)
- tal:expression chains (official TAL documentation)
- Practical example: Consider URL parameters for link to online version
Activate personalization on the unsubscribe page
In order for the TAL code to be interpreted on the unsubscribe page, a check mark must be set for Activate personalization.
Set the check mark at "Activate personalization" so that the TAL code can be interpreted.