With the sssssend time optimization you can calculate an optimized send time for each individual profile. This way, the newsletter is sent to each profile at the time when it is most likely to be opened. The send time optimization only has an effect if previous profile activities are available.
Profile activities
Saved openings and clicks of a profile can be viewed in the profile under Details -> History -> eMailings.
In order to be able to calculate an optimized send time, the time of previous newsletter openings must be stored in the profiles. However, the opening time of a newsletter can only be saved if you can store and process personal data with your account.
Set send time optimization in mailing
You set the send time optimization in the mailing under the tab Dispatch -> Dispatch time optimization. Here you have three options, none, 24+ hours and 7 days.
Send time optimization options:
None: The newsletter will be sent as soon as possible.
24+ Hours: Here thesend time is selected individually for each profile, at which time the profile has made the most opens within a 24h interval in previous mails. This send time can be on the day of the transmission start or the next day. A maximum delay of 47h is possible.
7 days: Both the send time (see above) and the most active weekday of the profile are selected for optimized dispatch.