To protect your account from unauthorized access, please follow - completely andwithout exception - all of the following security rules. If you have any questions, please contact the service and support staff or your personal customer advisor.
- You should always log off from the system before leaving your workplace (click on the icon in the top right-hand corner). Then close all browser windows.
- Never give your password to anyone else - our service and support staff will never ask you for your password.
- If you forget your password, our service and support staff will assign you a new temporary password. The temporary password is valid only for the next 24 hours. You have to log in and change it to a permanent password within this deadline.
- Change your password regularly.
- Delete invalid user accounts immediately or have them deleted by our service and support team.
- Regularly check the available rights of user accounts for their up-to-dateness or have them checked.
- Notify our service and support team immediately in the event of incomprehensible events, e.g. changed or missing data, malfunctions or display problems.
- Avoid logging on to the system on other computers.
- For presentations you should always use a demo account and change the corresponding access data immediately after the presentation.
Recommended browser: Mozilla Firefox in a current version.