You want newsletter recipients whose profile already exists in the pool to update their profile independently via a web form. To do this, you can use a web form that you link in an eMailing and send this eMailing to your recipients. In this form, you only insert fields that the user should fill in himself. How to create a web form for profile update is described in detail in the chapter "Creat Forms".
Required objects
You need these objects:
1 Form
1 eMailing
1 Confirmation page
- Create a new form. See also: Creat Forms.
- Create an e-mail using the integration link to the profile editing form.
- Create a confirmation page to show the recipient that the update has been made.
Create new form
Create a new form in the Forms folder. See also: Creat Forms.
Only integrate fields in the web form that the recipient should update independently. Then link to the web form in an e-mail.
Profile editing form - configuration
Uniqueness criterion: Profile ID
Registration procedure: - none
Forwarding: to a separate confirmation page
Use the profile ID as a uniqueness criterion. Newsletter recipients can be identified with this ID. You do not need to choose a registration procedure, as the recipients are normally already entered in the pool. Add the forwarding URL to a confirmation page to show the recipient that the update has been made.
Profile Editing Form - Integration
Link the web form to pre-filled fields in an e-mail. To display the form with pre-filled fields, go to the Integration tab and copy the HTML code under the item "Form with pre-filled fields" and paste it into your e-mail.
Create a new e-mailing
Create a new e-mail in the Mailings folder. Insert the integration link of the form into the created e-mailing to direct your newsletter recipients to the profile editing form with their personal data.
Insert the source code from the Integration tab into the source code view of the editor and edit the link text if necessary.
Create confirmation page
Create a new web page in the Web folder. Copy the integration link of this web page under the tab Integration and paste this link into the forwarding in the profile editing form. This confirmation page is then displayed to the recipient after he or she has submitted the form.
After the form has been sent, the recipient will be shown the confirmation page. This indicates to him that the profile update was successful.
Profile editing form with pre-filled fields
After you have sent the e-mail and the recipient has clicked on the profile editing link, the form appears with the recipient's information, which the recipient can now edit.
The recipient receives the form, with the data stored by him/her from the pool displayed and can edit the data.
E-mailings for updating interest profiles must be clearly marked with the notice that the recipient may not forward this e-mail. Otherwise the new recipient can view and change this data. Therefore, never have critical data updated using this procedure.
Alternative for secure editing of a profile via two web forms
This scenario with two web forms offers increased security if an email is forwarded with a link to a profile editing form, this profile data cannot be viewed or changed by another person. In this scenario, an e-mail with a link to a form is included in an e-mail, but this form does not contain any fillable fields, but only a reference text to another e-mail and a submit button. If this hint form is sent, it triggers another eMailing, which is only sent to the address given in the pool. This way only the newsletter recipient who forwarded the original mail will receive the link to the profile editing form. This scenario protects the profile data from unauthorized access.
Required objects
2 Forms
2 eMailigs
2 Websites
- Create two new forms, a note form without fields, a profile edit form with fields to be queried.
- Create two e-mailings, a normal mailing with the link to the hint form, a trigger mailing with the link to the profile edit form.
- Create two web pages, a note page, a confirmation page.
Configuration of the notification form without fields
The hint form is only used to send an e-mail with a link to the profile editing form to the e-mail address specified in the pool. This form should also contain a note that another e-mail with a link to the profile editing form will be sent.
Uniqueness criterion: Profile ID
Registration procedure: - none
Forwarding: To a separate information page
Confirmation email: Trigger mailing with the link to the profile editing form
The following configurations must be made here: The uniqueness criterion must be the profile ID to identify the profile. None (-) must be set for the entry procedure because the profile is already entered in the pool, otherwise a new profile would be entered. A redirection to a note page. The confirmation e-mail sent to the entered profile with the link to the profile editing page.
Deleting the fields of the hint form
Delete all fields from the hint form, just leave the submit button in the form and insert a hint text under the tab Appearance.
With a click on the gear wheel you can delete the fields from the form.
Configuration of the profile editing form
The link for the profile editing form will be sent only to the e-mail address specified in the pool, this form can be pre-filled and contains all the fields to be filled in.
Uniqueness criterion: Profile ID
Registration procedure: - none
Forwarding: To a separate confirmation page
The following configurations must be made here: The uniqueness criterion must be the profile ID to identify the profile. Entry procedure is not (-), since the profile is already entered. A redirection to a confirmation page.
Uniqueness criterion - profile ID
After you have changed the uniqueness criterion to Profile ID in the configuration and switch back to the Preview tab, this message appears.
Do not be irritated by this error message! The error message occurs because the queried profile ID is not available in the URL of the call. If the profile ID can also be transferred, this message no longer appears.
eMailing with link to the note form
This e-mail contains the link to the notification form, this triggers a trigger e-mail that is sent to the specified address of the profile.
Enter the link to the hint form here, the hint form triggers the trigger mailing with the link to the profile form.
Trigger e-mailing with link to the profile editing form
The trigger e-mail is sent to the e-mail address specified in the pool and contains the link to the profile editing form. Clearly mark this e-mail with a notice that this e-mail must not be forwarded under any circumstances. Enter the integration code of the profile editing form in the editor in the source code view.
Confirmation Page - Notice Form
On the notification page, you tell the user that an e-mail will be sent to the address specified in the pool, which contains a link to the profile editing form.
Confirmation Page - Profile Editing Form
With the confirmation page you inform the user that the changes have been saved in the pool.