An article import is created in the Web folder with a click on + New/Article Import. With an article import you can, for example, import articles from one client to another client within the system, but also from outside the system - just by specifying the URL to an RSS or Atom feed. After inserting a corresponding URL, the articles in the feed are displayed in the preview and can then be imported. To do this, select the articles and click on Create selected as article. After a successful import, a list of all articles is displayed, which can also be clicked directly for further editing. The imported articles are copies of the originals, which means that you can make your own changes to the articles. The imported articles are stored in the Articles folder.
Enter URL of the feed and article type
If you have inserted the URL of the feed, you still have to select the article type so that the content can be inserted into the article.
Article type
In order to import articles from a feed, a suitable article type has to be selected. The data of the feed (headline, picture, etc.) is assigned to the fields in the article based on the roles set in the article type.
Select and import articles
All articles from the feed are displayed as a list. Select the articles you want to import and import them by clicking on "Create marked as articles".
Imported article
Imported articles are stored in the Articles folder. By clicking on "To article" you can go directly to the imported article and edit it.
Use the feed reader to import articles from your content management system. Common systems like Typo3 or Web-Edition offer news feeds directly. Make content available to your customers or departments centrally. Create an RSS/Atom feed to publish all your interesting news. Then communicate the URL. When importing articles, please always respect the copyright.
If the given URL has errors, the system will display them. You should therefore first check whether the feed is valid. The system provides a direct link to the so-called feed validator of the W3C.