A note can be created within the Notes folder or in any subfolder you have created by clicking on + New/Notes. With notes you can create internal documentation and descriptions of objects directly in the relevant folders.
A new note can be created in the Notes folder by clicking + New/Notes.
Under the navigation tab Note you can edit the note with the editor.
- Name: Internal name of the note.
- Headline: Headline of the note.
- Free date: If a date is entered here, the note appears in the calendar as a one-time event.
- Note: Text for your note.
- Show in page navigation: If this option is activated, the current note is displayed in the tree structure on the left in the Notes area.
Almost all objects in the system support the direct assignment of a note. This allows you to attach direct descriptions or work instructions to an object. All objects to which the current note is linked are displayed under the Relationships tab. Existing links can be removed or new links to objects can be created here.
On the tab page Relationships, you can link the note to an object in the system or, if necessary, delete a link.
Note in the list view
You can see whether a note has been assigned to an object by the yellow note icon in the object itself and in the overview lists.
With a click on the yellow note icon you can open the attached note in the list view.
Note in object
If an object is open, you can also open the attached note by clicking on the yellow note icon. If no note is stored, you can store an existing note by clicking on the grey note icon.
A click on the note icon opens the attached note.
View the contents of the note.
Under the Preview tab, you can display the note for checking purposes.