A target group is created in the folder Target groups with a click on + New/Target group.
Similar to a persona, the target group is a user-configured selection of profiles. A target group configuration consists of any number of selection criteria (properties such as hobby or salutation) that you can link together. This can also be done using several pools.
A target group is only a filter! There is no assignment of a profile directly to a target group. The profiles are grouped into a target group based on their characteristics. Several target groups can contain the same profile. Every modification of a profile can influence the affiliation to a target group.
Target groups are used for the following sections:
Transmission: The target group defines the recipient group (e.g. test addresses, all addresses, special groupings, etc.)
eMailing individualization: Depending on the target group you can show or hide certain articles.
Article individualization: Depending on the target group, you can replace articles with alternative articles.
Inquiry management: Depending on the target group, you can forward or deliver contents of web form inquiries.
SmartLink: Depending on the target group, you can forward to a specified URL.
Pool Data Miner: You can limit special statistical evaluations for a target group.
Under the tab Preview you can see the number of profiles and the configuration details of the target group.
- Number of profiles in the target group
- Usable profiles for a transmission
- Unsubscribed profiles, can't be used for transmission
- Defective profiles, can't be used for transmission
- Pools over which the target group extends
- Configuration of the target group
A target group can be formed by several pools. After you have added a pool to the target group, no target group configuration exists. If you click on Edit, the default configuration is still configured so that all profiles in the pool are included in the target group (All entries in the pool are true), since there is no restriction criterion at this point.
Under the Configuration tab, you can filter profiles by criteria and properties.
Please note that target groups may not be edited as long as shipments are being made or profiles are being deleted. Only after the sending or the deletion of the profiles is completed, target groups may be edited.
For date fields, relative date values can be formulated in addition to fixed date values. can be formulated. More information can be found here:
Target groups with time factor - absolute and relative time specifications with StringToDate.
You can restrict the profiles in the target group by appending further criteria or edit the existing criteria. You can always insert a new criterion after any criterion by clicking on Plus button in the respective line. You can also delete a criterion except the first criterion by clicking on the Minus button. If there is more than one criterion, you can connect them with logical operators (and, or, and not, or not) and put brackets around them.
The logical operators AND and OR behave according to the following truth table.
AND (conjunction)
The expression is only true if both partial expressions are true.
OR (disjunction)
The expression is already true if a partial expression is true.
Parentheses can be used to prioritize the logical units.
There are the following criteria for the configuration of target groups:
All entries of the pool: All profiles that are in the pool.
receive eMailing: Assignment when a profile has received a specific eMail.
eMailing openings: Assignment when a profile has opened a specific eMail.
eMailing Hardbounce: Assigned when a profile has been marked as a hard bounce in a specific eMail message.
eMailing Soft Bounce: Assigned when a profile is marked as a soft bounce in a specific eMail message.
eMailing Landingpage: Assigned when a profile has seen a landing page of a specific eMail.
eMailing Multiple openings: Assignment when a profile has opened a specific eMailing multiple times. (Impression >1)
eMailing clicks: Assignment when a profile has clicked a link of a specific eMailing.
eMailing Multiple Clicks: Assigned when a profile has clicked multiple links of a specific eMail message. (Clicks >1)
Sending frequency: Assignment if a profile has received more or less than X mailings in the last Y months or weeks. (One month means 30 days)
Last eMail received: Assignment when a profile was last sent.
eMailing last received: Assignment of whether a profile has already received a specific event or trigger emailing within a time window.
PrintMailing received: Assignment, if a profile has received a specific PrintMailing.
PrintMailing erroneous: Assignment whether a profile should have received a certain PrintMailing but could not be delivered.
SmartLink: Assignment if a profile has gone via a specific SmartLink.
SmartLink destination: Assignment whether a profile has reached a specific SmartLink destination.
WebTouchPoint Web page: Assignment if a profile has visited a specific Web page.
LeadPage opening: Assignment if a profile has opened a specific LeadPage.
LeadPage click: Assignment when a profile has clicked in a specific LeadPage.
Scoring: Assignment based on a field of the scoring matrix (A1 to D4).
Profile Scoring: Assignment based on the profile scoring value.
Activity Scoring: Assignment based on the Activity Scoring value.
Persona Matching: Assignment if a profile is assigned to a specific persona.
Milestone reached: Assignment when a profile has reached a certain milestone.
Milestone last reached: Assignment if a profile has already reached a milestone within a time window.
Entry date: Time at which the profile was created.
Change date: Time at which the profile was last changed. For new profiles, this time is identical to the time of creation.
Deregistration date: Time at which the profile was deregistered; for example, after an eMail. Using this statement and removes the dispatch protection regarding unsubscribes for the entire target group.
A/B group split: Each profile is assigned to either group A or B; there is no overlap within these two groups and the average distribution is 50%.
Language: The system copies the language transferred with the profile in the form and saves it with the profile data. This means that you can later address a profile in its correct language.
Original form: Assignment, if a profile was generated using a specific form or form alias. Only new entries are considered - changes made via a specific form are ignored.
Entry procedure: Assignment, if a profile has a certain permission (Attention: The use of this statement removes the dispatch protection based on the permission!)
Incorrect eMail address: Assignment, if a profile is faulty and is no longer loaded (three hardbounces).
Number of hardbounces: Checks how many hardbounces a profile has already generated.
Range of: Assignment, if a profile is within a radius of a specified area. Coordinates are given in decimal not in minutes and seconds.
Target Group: Use of other target groups in the current target group.
No multiple nested target groups are considered (target group within target group within target group). For multiple nested target groups, the calculated number of profiles is likely to be incorrect. However, no error is displayed!
eMail duplicate: Returns all profiles that occur twice or more.
Number of options: Returns all profiles with a special number of selected options (only applies to multiple selections).
Profile (basic data)
Salutation (SALUTATION)
First name (FIRSTNAME)
Name (NAME)
eMail (EMAIL)
Company (COMPANY)
Street (ADDRESS)
House number (STREETNUMBER)
Zip code (ZIPCODE)
City (CITY)
Country (COUNTRY)
State (STATE)
Phone prefix (PHONEPREFIX)
Phone number (PHONENUMBER)
Fax prefix (FAXPREFIX)
Fax number (FAXNUMBER)
Mobile network (MOBILENETWORK)
Mobile number (MOBILENUMBER)
Profile (Internal)
Modification (IP) (REMOTEADDR): Assignment when a profile was last modified using a specific IP address.
Deregistered (IP) (AREMOTEADDR): Assignment if a profile was "deregistered" via a specific IP address.
Permission (IP) (PREMOTEADDR): Assigned when a profile has been "confirmed" via a specific IP address.
Permission (PERMISSION): Checks for the entry of a profile.
Unsubscribed (DELETED): Assigned when a profile is marked as "DELETED" (permission revoked).
Persona (test profile) (PERSONA): Assignment if a profile has been marked as "Persona".
Tracking deactivated (TRACKING_DISABLED): Assignment if a profile is marked with a tracking recall.
Profile (Without relation)
Interest (INTEREST): Checks for multiple selection of the field.
Response (ANSWER): Checks for single selection of the field.
Unsubscribed profiles
Unsubscribed without send-protection: Checks for discharges and removes the shipping protection.
If a field is to be checked for an IP address, note that a CIDR suffix is always required.
Examples: describes a single IP address describes all IP addresses from to
In addition to the internal fields, you can also configure a target group with all other fields in the pool.
Please also note that if a target group is used for shipping, the following options are automatically taken into account by the system:
- no unconfirmed eMail addresses
- no incorrect eMail addresses
- no unsubscribed eMail addresses
- eMail contains @
If you do not want these options to be used when sending, the corresponding options must be explicitly specified in the target group.
There are also other comparison functions, depending on the configuration of the pool. For all single or multiple selections, the respective options can be selected.
There are target group statements with the ending "Without dispatch protection" ("Unsubscribed without send-protection" and "Permission (without protection)").
If one of these statements is used in a target group, the entire target group is no longer checked for unsubscribes or permissions when it is sent and unsubscribed or unconfirmed profiles become usable profiles that are also sent.
This is a list of all profiles that fall within the currently stored configurations of the target group. You can use this list to quickly check whether certain profiles exist in the target group. (Note: If the target group configuration queries several pools, only the system default fields are displayed in the target group profile list).
The Profiles tab displays all profiles in the target group. You can export this list as a CSV file by clicking the Export button.
Under the Map tab you can visualize the profiles on a map, provided the address is available in the profile. A zoom down to house number level is possible. A separate right in your role is required for the map display. If you do not see this navigation tab, you do not have the authorization to do so.
On the map you can see where the address of your profile is located.
Delete data
Removes profiles permanently from the pool. Here again, the target group is only used to filter the affected profiles. In this way, you can delete all incorrect eMail addresses from a pool once a month, for example. Follow the instructions in the dialog to permanently delete the profiles.
Profiles of a target group can be deleted from the pool under the tab "Delete data".
Deleting profiles permanently removes them from the pool (and thus also from the target group). The deleted profiles are then also missing in every other target group in which the profiles were previously present. A recovery of deleted profiles is possible in the Backup Center for 14 days.
Deletion dependencies
As with every object, when deleting a target group, the system also checks for dependencies on other objects. Particular attention should be paid here to dependencies on eMailings that have already been sent. For example, target groups used in the subject configuration and as shipping target groups are considered critical dependencies up to two weeks after sending and therefore cannot be deleted.
Under the tab Statistics you can see how the number of profiles in a target group has developed over a certain period of time. In the upper part of the statistics, you can see the cumulative development of the profiles in the target group. In the lower part of the statistics, you can see the entries and profile changes.
In the statistics you can see the development of the profiles in the target group in three selectable time periods.