Contact forms with newsletter option are a special form of web forms. These forms contain the possibility to subscribe to a newsletter by clicking on a checkbox. The system will only generate a confirmation eMail to the interested party if he/she has selected the newsletter option, e.g. "Yes, I would like to receive the newsletter", before submitting the form.
Required objects
Confirmation eMail
Target group
Boolean field (true/false)
In the pool under the Configuration tab, create a field for the newsletter interested parties (e.g. newsletter) as a Boolean field (true/false).
In the pool a true/false field for a newsletter subscription must be created to send a confirmation eMail for the newsletter subscription to the interested party.
Create a target group with the criterion "Newsletter is equal true". In order to select this criterion, this field has to be created in the pool before.
If a prospective customer clicks on the check box for the newsletter, he automatically falls into the target group and receives the confirmation mailing.
Create an entry confirmation e-mail with the confirmation link {$GRANT_URL}.
The confirmation link must be clicked by the interested party to confirm his double opt-in registration.
Create a form, see: Web & registration forms
Include the check box for registration in this contact form so that those interested can subscribe to the newsletter.
If the interested party clicks the check box, he/she registers for the newsletter and receives the confirmation e-mail.
In the form under the Configuration tab, activate the registration procedure Entry for Double Opt-In.
Insert the registration confirmation e-mail with the included confirmation link {$GRANT_URL} under the item Confirmation e-mail.
For the confirmation e-mail, insert the target group of the newsletter interested parties under Target group restriction, so that a confirmation e-mail is only sent to this target group.
Through the target group restriction, only interested parties who have clicked the check box will receive the entry confirmation with the confirmation link.
All entries via this form type that are received without selecting the newsletter option will remain unconfirmed for an indefinite period of time and will therefore not be sent a newsletter. Prerequisite is that Newsletter = "true" is defined in the target group for sending.