The "Voucher codes" object enables the creation and management of individual coupon/voucher codes. These codes can be used to link a discount in a store, for example. New codes can be generated and existing codes can be inserted in order to assign them to profiles if required. The "Coupon codes" object can be created in the "Templates" folder and in any individually created folder.
The existing voucher codes for the property are listed under the "List" tab and the assigned profiles are displayed next to them. Voucher codes can also be deleted here.
New codes can be added manually or generated automatically via the voucher code configuration. When entering codes manually, several codes can be specified and added separated by line breaks. The maximum length of a code is 36 characters.
A validity date can be set for each voucher code list until which the codes are active and can be assigned. No new codes are assigned after the expiry date. The validity date of a list always applies to all codes in the list. If no date is entered, the voucher list is valid without restriction.
Add voucher codes
Multiple codes can be entered and added manually, separated by line breaks. The maximum length of a code is: 36 characters.
Generate voucher codes
With automatic code generation, a certain number of unique codes are generated according to the UUID scheme. A maximum of 1000 voucher codes can be generated at once.
Delete codes
Voucher codes can be marked and deleted individually via the code list or all codes simultaneously via the configuration. Deleted voucher codes cannot be restored and the profile assignment is also permanently deleted. (This can be useful, for example, during the transition from a test phase to productive operation).
Codes from a voucher code list can be output via TAL in eMailings and LeadPages. If an eMailing with a voucher code is sent to a profile or a LeadPage with a voucher code is opened by a profile, the voucher code issued is clearly assigned to the profile. The assignment of profiles and voucher codes remains permanent; as soon as the voucher code has been assigned to a profile, the assignment can be viewed in the voucher code list. Only one voucher code can be assigned to a profile per voucher code object. If another voucher code is to be assigned to a profile, a new voucher code object must be created and another e-mail with the TAL snippet of the new voucher code object must be sent to the profile.
The assignment of a voucher code remains until the voucher code is deleted.
Please note!
If a newsletter or a LeadPage is viewed in the individualized view under the Check tab with a test profile or a test dispatch is made to a profile, a voucher code is assigned to this profile in the same way as for a real dispatch.
A voucher code is only issued via TAL in article/newsletter and LeadPage templates. A ready-made TAL code for the output/assignment of a voucher code can be found in the "Integration" tab of the respective voucher code object. The example only outputs a code if it is displayed by a real profile (not Max-Mustermann).
To output a voucher code, the TAL snippet must be integrated at a suitable point in the source code of a template.
In order to be able to use voucher codes in article/newsletter and LeadPage templates, the TAL code must be inserted in a suitable place in the source code of the template. Either the TAL code is inserted into a newsletter and LeadPage template, in which case the voucher code is output directly in a newsletter or LeadPage. Or the TAL code is inserted into an article template, in which case the voucher code can be output via an article in a newsletter or LeadPage. To do this, the modified article template must also be assigned to the article.
The TAL snippet output here must be inserted either in a newsletter/lead page template or in an article template in a suitable place in order to output a voucher code.
The TAL code of the voucher codes can be integrated into these templates:
- eMailing template
- LeadPage template
- Article template (eMail/HTML)
- Article template (Web/HTML)
- Article template (eMail/Text)