A file can be created in the folder Web or in a folder you created by clicking on + New/File. This is a direct upload of a file from your computer to the system.
You create a file for a download in the Web folder by clicking on + New/File.
Under the tab File you can give the file a name, select it on your computer and upload it to the system.
In the preview you can download the file and save it on your computer or view the file directly in the browser.
During upload, the system tries to recognize the file type (PDF, jpg, etc.) and deliver the file in this form again. A typical application example is the hosting of additional files for a newsletter directly in the system, e.g. a PDF document or a ZIP file, without the need to provide a download on the Internet. After uploading the file, you can adjust the file type yourself and determine whether the file is made available as a download or displayed directly in the browser.
Under the item Information you can see all important information like size and type of file. You can also change the name of the file for the download here and with a check mark at No Download you can protect the file from downloading.
The file is delivered by the system by calling the link from the Integration navigation tab.
To make the file available for download, copy the integration link and paste it into an eMail or Web page.
Store files like style sheets easily and directly in the system. Make sure that the file type is set correctly (e.g. text/css).