A container is created in the Templates folder with a click on + New/Container. However, this requires special user rights. Containers are pure data storage objects and can be read out via TAL. They can be used, for example, to publish a newsletter in several languages with different addresses in the imprint. With the help of containers, different language versions of a newsletter can be mapped via a single eMail template (master template). Each language derivation of the eMailings is based on the master template, only the language containers with the data are exchanged. Thus, a separate imprint can be displayed in each language version of a newsletter.
Language container with German address
Language container with Austrian address
The fields displayed in the container and usable in the eMail are defined by a container type.
Container contents as JSON
If the integration URL of a container is called, the contents of the container are output in JSON format. This enables container contents to be read and processed further with JavaScript, for example.
The only JSON exceptions are container lists. If a container list contains a container that is based on the same container type as the queried container, the container list will not appear in the JSON array.